
“To reach a child’s mind a teacher must capture his heart. Only if a child feels right can he think right.”       – Haim G. Ginott

Every student who enters my classroom receives a warm and enthusiastic welcome. I believe it is very important to get to know each of my students by exploring their interests, uncovering their personalities, and working with them to identify their learning styles and define their personal and educational goals. I strive to create an atmosphere where students feel comfortable taking risks and experimenting with the English language.

I aim to awaken a life-long appreciation and love of learning in my students. I want to guide them toward all the incredible opportunities for learning that exist in the world around them. I believe that excellent teaching and learning occurs when we encourage our students to fulfill their potential, both inside and outside the classroom. As we equip our students with the tools they need to successfully pursue their passions, we must strive to awaken their curiosity in the international community that surrounds them. We guide our students in this journey from self to community by providing an environment that fosters independence and self-motivation, enabling students to engage in their own learning. As the world around us continues to change at an ever-increasing pace I think it becomes even more important that, in addition to what to learn, we teach our students how to learn. By enhancing their approaches to learning we give them skills that are transferable to any educational opportunity.

Finally, I want to grow and learn alongside my students, so I am continuously seeking ways to improve my professional practice. As I reflect upon my own educational experiences I recall that the best, most inspirational, teachers were enthusiastic, outgoing individuals; consistently providing students with interesting new challenges, coupled with the support necessary for them to succeed. Encouraging us to take risks in order to accommodate new ideas, they cared and were empathetic in all instances. These are the models I seek to emulate as I continue to develop as a teaching professional.